WilcoWeb    Proudly Presents

WilcoWeb's Semi-Celebrity Interview Library

This page is a parody of Roger Wilco's Celebrity Interview Library at Wilco's Domain.

Currently all it has is six interviews, four with prominent Space Quest web site web-masters, and one with Scott Murphy, one of the Two Guys from Andromeda, and one with Leslie Balfour, the ONLY Gal from Andromeda.

Many thanks to Leslie Balfour, Scott Murphy, Troels Pleimert, Chris Geroux, Sleeray, and Justin Barker for being interviewees and all-'round great guys.


WilcoWeb (C) 1997 Kevin "WilcoWeb" Wallace.
Space Quest, Roger Wilco and all related things are (C) Sierra On-Line.

This page was designed using GeoCities Advanced Homepage editor, which is pretty much just a cgi version of notepad.

Thanks to GeoCities for this free homepage.

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