Welcome to WilcoWeb.
Ok... I'm sorry about the lack of updates, but I've been having a pretty busy summer... I recently got a couple o' new computer games for my birthday (it was the 17th), and I'm leaving for two weeks in two days, and I'll hopefully have time for a largeish update when I get back (the 5th or so).
Once again, I'm sorry.
School just ended recently, and I am going on vacation for the next 2 weeks or so, so if anything happens on the SQ scene, I'll only find out when I get back... I'd suggest going to Wilco's Domain for your news in the mean-time.
The Space Quest Cafe is a newish site, but there is some obscene language, so if offended, don't blame me.
Yes! I got an interview with Scott Murphy, co-creator of the Space Quest series! If ya wanna read it (you know you do) then go to the Interviews Page.
I'm considering completely redoing the graphics for WilcoWeb... I've already changed the title and that green line, as you can see.
Dan Cerulo, a guy who has made a number of good Space Quest fan-fiction stories, finally has his own site! It's called Dan Cerulo's Space Quest Page!
I've changed the midi and gotten rid of the picture on the sidebar, and I made my own pic for the Space Quest Ring (scroll all the way down).
5/14 (Yes, again):
I got a response from an interviewee, and so now you can go see my interview with Sleeray (Golden Mop Society webmaster) on the Interviews page!
The Space Quest ComPost has moved to here!
Also, I'm sorry to say this, but I'm going to have to stop offering my services to make animated GIFs, due to far far far too much homework and other things happening. I apologize and will attempt to finish those works I have in progress, but I rarely have time.
Popular Janitronics Online came out with a new issue yesterday! I would have said so yesterday, but for a while Geocities did not acknowledge the presence of Area51.
I changed the picture on the sidebar (Do NOT take it... be original), and messed around with the table on AstroChickenWeb
Also, if anyone would like an animated GIF of anything from the first three Space Quests (1EGA, 2, and 3), then send me an e-mail and I'll make it for ya.
Troels Pleimert, Freelance Space Quest Historian, is helping Chris Geroux make another Astro Chicken game, and he gave me four MIDIs which are going to be in it.
To see 'em, go to AstroChickenWeb.
More:: I scanned two hand-drawn pictures and put them on the Gallery Page.
AstroChickenWeb got another translation, submitted by Domen Novak!
WilcoWeb has had 3000 visits! (And it doesn't count multiple hits from the same computer in a row!)
Troels Pleimert has finished his novel rendition of the Sarien Encounter, and it's available now at Wilco's Domain, and I think that I will get credit given to me for my animated GIFs at a certain site soon, and will then take down the above notice.
Sorry about the lack of updates, but GeoCities was giving me some difficulties for a while... Anyway, Wilco's Domain got an interview with Scott Murphy, and some more fan-fiction.
Also, in the Astro Chicken FAQ, the upcoming Astro Chicken game is 8, as opposed to 7 (Apologies to all who were baffled). I currently can't fix it, because GeoCities still won't let me upload files.
The Space Quest ComPost updated.
Also, I fixed the 3d image so's that if ya'll are at less than 1024x768 it'll look better.
3/29 (Again):
Last night I interviewed Troels Pleimert of Wilco's Domain just for something to put on my page, and here it is, in all it's glory. The Troels Pleimert Interview!
World-O-Wonders has updated! Yeehee!
Also, I cleaned off all the news that isn't from this month.
3/27 (Again):
Teehee. My friend made a neato 3d image of Monolith Burger. Ye who enter here can see it.
Also, I fixed the sidebar.
I cleaned off some of the older news on this page, and I'm still trying to get one of those pictures to work on the Gallery page.
Oh yeah! The Space Quest ComPost got some WAV file quotes! Woohoo!
I got bored and created a Gallery page for WilcoWeb, which holds all animated GIFs for easy access.
Two new SQ sites that have just arrived are The Janitor's Closet and Roger Wilco in the Unofficial Web Page!
Also, Troels asked me and a few other webmasters to say this:
Can I ask a favor of you guys? Some people called me lazy because my site hasn't been updated recently... Could you do me a favor and post a message that the Domain has been unable to receieve any updates due to bad connection and a personality problem over at Geocities? And let everybody know, that when my site finally updates, it'll be with a whopping bang!
Wowie Zowie! I was wandering around Red Dwarf sites, and I found a site that will reverse any web page... go here for an example!
Wow... I'm tired... yesterday I went and saw Return of the Jedi, and then I went to the school play, and then I went to the cast party afterwards, and ended up not getting home until after midnight...
Anyway, Wilco's Domain got yet more updates, and there is a new Space Quest page up, and I'm not sure if it has a name so far.
A Space Quest Web Ring was formed.
This website is constantly under construction, so come back every week or so.
If you would like Space Quest fan-fiction, then I suggest you go to Troels Pleimert's Roger Wilco Fan Fiction Library, which contains a couple of stories and info about fan-fiction.
Hail to Roger Wilco! Space Hero extraordinaire!
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