WilcoWeb proudly presents

An Interview with:

Scott Murphy
(One of Space Quest's Creators)

What do you think of the number of Space Quest fan sites on the net?

Who came up with the idea for Astro Chicken?

What's your favorite kind of donut?

Will there be another addicting Astro Chicken game within SQ7?

What do you think of Washington? Do you like California better? (I live in Washington and have most of my life, but I was born in California, and I prefer Washington.)

Are you going to have Zondra in SQ7? Or will you wait until SQ10 (if you ever make it and keep it as Latex Babes of Estros, that is)?

Do you really make the best cup of coffee in the company (as Roberta said in Current Inside Copy)?

If you have any 3-d stuff (cutscenes or whatever) in Space Quest 7, what programs do you use? (truSpace, Lightwave, Swivel *giggle*, et cetera.)

Anything else you'd like to say to your fans?

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Note: This page is in itself a parody of Troels Pleimert's Celebrity Interview Library, @ Wilco's Domain, and no offense is meant.