testing in progress.

So, what I want is a js file and a json file, and then a directory of images
the js file should be referenced from here, and it should parse the json file to display all of the images (or many of them) based on parameters
the json file should contain
* filename
* title
* description
* tags
* creation date (YYYY / YYYY-MM / YYYY-MM-DD)

don't worry about how the files will be displayed yet, just bang 'em out here.
* framing
* sizing
* background colors
* sorting
* filtering
* pagination
* display of tags

clicking on an image (V2!) should pop it up in a lightbox and provide DATA on it
alternately, take me to a different page with the image id (possibly the filename) as the paramter (gallery -> closeup?imagename)
I guess this might mean we need some sort of KEY on the json. that maybe shouldn't just be the filename.
* build a tool to generate the json
* reduce all files to indexed palette PNGs
* remove all backgrounds and auto-generate a color (or store the color optionally in the json)